Not loading Mods? And Textures?
Hey guys, I have a MacBook that can't download player exported mods and textures! It gets really frustrating. According to other people, player exported mods that they haven't downloaded automatically download, and they can see textures perfectly fine, UNLIKE ME ;~;. I even try manually downloaded mods and they won't appear and Tb always tells me "Unable to load sparring_house.tbm"(or any other mod, this is just an example). Any fix for this? What about the texture stuff? Also 3-D Items don't appear. Thx in advance my BB's
Btw textures just don't appear, at all. Nothing special about it. Tb doesn't even tell me anything ;~;.
Update: Trestet told me that when I manually put in the mods, I put them in the wrong place. I put them in the right place, but now whenever i try to open them in freeplay, my game crashes. In multiplayer, it still won't load, however, it still is better than my game not recognizing the mod at all. Any fix?
Last edited by PoomkinPie; Feb 11, 2016 at 11:20 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump