Guardian Paint Shop !
Since am buying echos new set i have no money for comps , that is my problem , some of you had this problem , well we are going to open " Guardian Art shop " when a guy makes a set or a photo or heads , it will be 50 for him 50 for the other members in work shop , let say there is 6 in the work shop , when a guy sell a head , he get's 50% and the other people get 10% ,
Only the people in the Art shop , and no need to be there to get money , be there to make art :P anyway here how it gose :
Name :
Time that u can make it :
Do u do reqests ? :
What will u be doing ? :
Show us some of your work :
Thank You .
Name : TheSev
Time that u can make it : Crappy Head's = 5-7 min , set's = 5 Hours .
Reqests : No , just emo heads , but still am not good at them also :P .
What u will be doing : Heads , ( give me your head an i will make a tex )
My work :
Still more , not enough time :P .
Last edited by TheSev; Oct 15, 2008 at 11:11 PM.