[e] Loans from bank
This is to keep track of who all has current loans out from [e] bank.
To get a loan, please fill out the information stated below, failure to do so will result in post being deleted. MUST PAY BACK MORE THAN WHAT REQUESTED! KEEPS THE PROFIT GOING!
Amount needed:
Reason you need the loan:
How much you'll pay back:
Estimated time you'll pay back:
This is what it should look like:
Name: DeakManiac
Amount needed: 10k
Reason you need the loan: Buy a item with it that I need
How much you'll pay back: 15k
Estimated time you'll pay back: 48 hours
This is what it SHOULDN'T look like:
Name: DeakManiac
Amount needed: 50k
Reason you need the loan: going to bet/duel with
How much you'll pay back: 50k
Estimated time you'll pay back: a month
People with current loans out:
Name | TC Amount|TC PayingBack | Return Time
Alien | 10k|15k | 24 hours 8/17/2016-8/18/2016
Last edited by Noobie; Aug 17, 2016 at 08:23 AM.