2016 was the rebirth of [e]
Now, it's getting that time to where we settle this down.
There's new things being changed, so be sure to read this throughly.
Failure to post at least once every 2 days will result in a warning. Failure to post 24 hours after will result in a kick. We need to keep the forums active.
If you cannot be forum active, let us know the reason in the Inactivity Thread
Maturity: This is a big key as we have been going out of control latley. It's time to be professional about shit. I done kicked a few members as is for childish behavior and harassing people. If I get any reports of anyone harassing someone or being childish or being a poor sport in warring will result in a warning then after the warning, you'll be kicked no questions asked.
Warlords/Recruiters, start trying people out before recruiting. Do not invite unless they either applied or completed a best out of 3 match. Only invite if they seem to be mature and done a good job in the tryouts.
Posting: Keep the posts nice and average, no more short post spam. 3 warnings will result in a kick.
Ranking: Do not beg for rank, just do what the requirements are and earn your way. Promotions are done unless you earn the rank.
Yee we had to shut it down, and hit that reset button.
Did a lot better after; We're getting really active now, I'm enjoying this...
Now if only I could be on when we war.