[POVRAY] For your head previewing pleasures :)
Tired of the semi-crappy Gimp sphere? Want shiny reflections for your avatar head? In that case, this povray file is your solution! Behold, I offer for free my povray head-preview scene, which can generate you a nice head animation.
edit: version 2.1 is out - with ridges based on head texture + head displacement! See below for download links for all 3 versions
My current avatar image is made with this povray scene, version 2.1
Because I'm a Linux dude, all I can offer is the command liners I used to make it, packed in a shell script. Its of course possible to use them in Windows too, but you will need to have ImageMagick (convert command) and modify the commands appropriately.
You will need:
1) the povray scene
2) the commands (on linux you can use the shell script)
3) a nice reflection picture which you will call nature.jpg
The headpreview povray scene (version 2.1) - with optional: ridges on the sphere based on the head texture, neck, and head displacement (rotations should be more interesting when the head is displaced). Removed random sphere imperfections from version 2.
The headpreview povray scene (version 2) - with optional: neck and slightly moving reflections (because of sphere imperfections)
The headpreview povray scene (old version)
The commands:
povray +ua +W95 +H95 +KFI1 +KFF40 +KC +A0.05 +R5 headprev2.1.pov
convert -adjoin -delay 4 headprev2.1*.png myhead.gif
This will generate your 95x95 head animation with 40 frames at 1/4 = 25 fps.
convert is an ImageMagick command, so make sure you have it.
You can also get the Linux script:
The shell script for Linux - currently missing a feature, only works with a file named head.tga - and the old filename of the .pov scene, headprev.pov
You will have to find your nature.jpg image yourself, and put it in the same folder with headprev2.1.pov
Edit headprev2.1.pov to make variations to the head movement. Variation numbers are explained with comments.
Some examples:
Hampa's head:
Head movement variations:
Tori white no, with a reflecting bug and leaf
Uke white yes, with a reflecting car
3D ridges based on the head texture (deliberately made too strong to see the effect) + neck with yellow color:
Have fun
If you have any problems, or found a bug, please tell me so I can fix / help with it. To get a nice smooth avatar you will need this forum's background color (white) - don't make a transparent version.
Last edited by Spion; Nov 3, 2008 at 07:32 AM.
Reason: version 2.1