I am active in
toribash however understand I do not meet black belt requirement. I have read the clan thread.
I am
Rhaegar. and I am 17. I'm a guy and (haha) do own a beard. (its not great but it'll do)
I live in the UK but am currently in GMT + 1:00
Blue belt
some of my most entertaining mods are Aikido, ABD, Judofrac, mushu, judo. The classics.
game of thrones fan, hence the name and all the quotes I subtly drop. I would say I am modestly competitive.
I have never been in a clan I originally applied to
FC and was accepted but was never invited and I didn't get any communication from them.
I'd say I'm very active 8-9/10
Yes I have read the
clan thread
I have read all of the rules
Do not be Offensive
Have fun in clan
Respect all Toribash Players
Maintain Active ingame and on Forum
Respect higher ranks
Don't ask for promotion
Do not misuse your authority
Listen to higher ranks
Don't ask for promotion
Do not kick everyone out
Be a good example to how other members should behave
Don't mess with Clan settings, Unless told to by Leader
Don't promote Unless told to by Leader
Don't get mad
Respect other Clan
Try your best and have fun!
I do not have discord at this time but am easily available and easy to contact if needed.
I've seen a lot of beards in game such as batwing, pix3l and untrue; and hope this is a good first clan for me.
~ Rhaegar
Last edited by RhaegarII; Jul 14, 2017 at 12:47 AM.
Reason: Tidying, organising.