As far back as anyone can remember, there has been those who are harmful and a virus to others. The few are toxic to the rest of humanity. These must be bound and forged together as one unit to rain havoc on those against us. We are Toxicity, and we are the destruction of all.
We have few goals:
[ ]Become the best clan.
[ ]Get brackets instead of parentheses.
[ ]Win Clan League.
[ ]Be forum active.
[ ]Have enough TC in the bank.
Our rules are simple:
-->Do NOT be insulting to anyone, unless of course they deserve it.
-->Stick up for your clanmates, we are a family, not just a bunch of people together.
-->Be active everywhere: Forums, IRC, Ingame, Discord, Skype, and Myspace(Depending if I decide to make it).
-->All have the ability to war, but do not abuse it. No soloing unless Frost specifically says you can.