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White joint textures?
So I just got joint textures and I wanted to make them white/grey.
But whenever I try to do that, it shows my force.

How do I get it so the textures actually appears white?

Also, sometimes my relax color changes, but not my force?
Last edited by Manny; Aug 3, 2017 at 09:19 PM.
Pure or Quicksilver force is needed, the way it works is your joint color over laps your texture so these forces are what makes them white/grey.

EXAMPLE: If I had a joint texture set that was blue, but I have red force equipped then the red color will appear over the joint and change it's color, most likely looking dark blue or orange.

The reason your relax is changing is because your force is technically white in replays or to opponents but ingame it appears orange, where as your relax is peach so as I said above the colors sort of blend together.
Last edited by tabby; Aug 3, 2017 at 09:23 PM.
More accurately, joint textures are overlayed over your force color. They are tinted based on the force you're using. White is transparent; it just shows your force color. You need pure to show white or only have what you have designed on the joint without it being tinted.