Original Post
Void Bug?
Alrigh,t apparently my void force shows up green and looking into the torishop all the void previews also show it as green. Just wondering if im the only one with this problem and how I should approach it.

Also a little extra to it, I think it only happened after the update.
Attached Images
2018-09-29 (1).jpg (87.8 KB, 34 views)
2018-09-29.jpg (96.8 KB, 20 views)
I've just tried and it looks fine on my game, even with low graphics.

If you are on steam you could try some of the standard stuff:
- try with different graphic settings
- verify game file integrity
- check if it's actually 5.33
- reinstall

Tertywerty Moderated Message:
In his screenshots his client is showing that it is version 5.33
Last edited by tertywerty; Sep 29, 2018 at 05:23 PM.