No one will want to buy "Ecto Lax" for 10k tc while in YouShop are offerts for 5k tc and 6k tc. You can place this item on sale in your own shop for 10k tc but currently in YouShop are about 7 offerts for less than 10k tc, and always there will be about 5-10 items for sale for less than 10k tc, so you will never sell this item for this price.
But I can propose to you:
a) I can put this item for 7k tc for sale in our clan shop (run by me). just give me this item, you will get some clan points, and I will put it for sale for 7k tc, and when this item is sold I will give you all 7k tc. you will be able to withdraw this item if you want this, just pm me.
Because our shop is one of the biggest is better chance that items will be sold for bigger price even if in YouShop are offerts for lesser prices.
b) As above, but you can choose your own price of sale. but I proposes 7k tc, because I have some experience in trading.
c) I can buy this item from you for 3k tc and put it on sele as my own item.
Last edited by MNR; Jan 2, 2009 at 10:20 PM.