Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
be happy with me :D
my father moved from poland(i live in poland)to england for a year and he came back yesterday.he saw me playing toribash and he told that this is cool game and asked me "do you want something to make playing more fun?" i told him that it would be cool to have about 100k :P he told me that he is going to buy some tc for me.i was really surprised
I'm [Addicted]
lol... i wish my dad bought tc for me, but thats cool man. Does your dad play video games some or did he just think it was cool?
"I'm Sander F@#$ing Cohen!"
~Sander Cohen~
wow! Your dad sounds nice, or maybe he was just in a good mood. You want to donate to the bank or... to me?

it's a joke dumbasses
Last edited by Pookie; Dec 18, 2008 at 03:25 PM.
Sahee: so your nick is vagina? Dude you shouldn't get into clans, clans should get into you.
You guys are unbelievable, I should get the toricredits for be so selfless...
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
The smart thing to do, is to let somebody hold the fund, dump spare tc into that fund and ONLY TAKE OUT TC WHEN REALLY NEEDED, Not for anyones selfish desires.
The smart thing to do, is to let somebody hold the fund, dump spare tc into that fund and ONLY TAKE OUT TC WHEN REALLY NEEDED, Not for anyones selfish desires.

dont listen to him...i mean serious look at his avvy...

but know what i really think he should do with his tcs? whatever he wants to do with them.... by 50 orc bloods or a purple giraffe i dont care
"I'm Sander F@#$ing Cohen!"
~Sander Cohen~
Not that it's any of my business but...

Shouldn't you allow him to spend those TC on himself? I mean, his dad is BUYING it for him. As a GIFT. You don't take gifts from friends, I'm sorry :|
<insert (something) here>