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Clan Kani Shop?
As you probably know I have a shop in youshop, and what you guys say if I change its name to "Clan Kani Shop"? In this way we can do advertisement for our clan. I have a lot of Items but if clan members will help and give some items for clan shop, and when there will be items such as: Gold, Acid, Void, Ecto, people begin to think that our clan is rich, and thus attract more people.
nice but umm i dont think anyone has void
and i dont think that much ppl go to you shop
why dont we wear em and if they ask
we say kani gave em to us
and kani is rich
and kani kani kani
you know this another idea
nice but umm i dont think anyone has void

of course, not everyone has such items as a demon, Amethyst, Azurite, Pharos, Shaman but I think that sometimes everyone has some rubbish that want to get rid of inventory.
and i dont think that much ppl go to you shop

in my shop is more than 450 sold items, and I selling 10-30 items per day. you still think its so low? even in "Phantom Clan Sale" is less than 150 items sold.
why dont we wear em and if they ask
we say kani gave em to us
and kani is rich
and kani kani kani
you know this another idea

let's say that you told someone that you got from Kani eg full sphinx, vamp and bronze. so how you want to give all these items to everyone who believe in that?