Original Post
it's a war bitches; be there or be square
Clan Elite is sick and tired of your shenanigans. It is for this reason that with heavy hearts we officially declare war on you. We have put up with you people far too long, and will tolerate this bullshit no longer. *insert vague and probably false accusation here* It is now time to settle this like men. After a great amount of pondering, I could only think of one plausible mod to demonstrate the great skill of our two clans, and that is wtfmp.tbm. Now, I understand the fear that must surely be running through your hearts. After all, it is known by all that Clan Elite is home to the great masters of wtfmp, but if you are truely brave enough to rise to the occasion I know you will be looked upon as men. So now the question must be raised. Are ye men, or are ye mice, great toridogs?
Erm...sort of? Really I'm just bored so me and blak thought we'd have a little fun. And of course, show off our 1337 wtfmp skills. =P

I propose the war be carried out with wtfmp of course, 3 people on each team. Choose wisely. (muahaha)
Last edited by hidingwarior; Jan 16, 2009 at 05:08 PM.
Nice mode choice there. I'm sure its where you'll have the biggest chance of winning, aye?
Last edited by Zaarock; Jan 16, 2009 at 06:26 PM.
Lol what crawled in your ass? We aren't afraid you would beat us, it's just a joke war. In fact I think we would have a great matchup in a real mode, but I don't feel like a real war :P

I chose wtfmp because it would give each clan a 50/50 shot at winning, because this is just a joke.
Last edited by hidingwarior; Jan 16, 2009 at 06:48 PM.
you better watch yourselves, i am a goddamn pro when it comes to wtfmp
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
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Also, Gubbin is neat.