Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Evil activity check
okay before I put these changes in full swing I need to check everyone's activeness

Post here if you're active in the game AND the forums.

I'd like to know when you're on the forums and the game.

Example (all true by the way): Forums: almost everyday. Game: 5 days a week.

you have two weeks to post your activity.
Sahee: so your nick is vagina? Dude you shouldn't get into clans, clans should get into you.
Allmost everyday, more busy ingame then on forum.

Still i ghotta say this, i know im new but this activity check thingy makes me wanna run away from this clan as fast as i can, I'd like to know how serious you guys are about this clan and what you want ot accomplish as a group.
So that i know what is expected of me, next to just being active.

Not trying to create a negative athmosphere, just a serious question
forum:nearly every day (definetly more than one time in 2 days)

i think we wanna create a very good and familary clan
but inactive guys can't be good and/or familary so i don't think that they are right in evil clan

i think it's not seen soooooooooooooo...oooo well to just read forum but don't right but accepted

please don't run away you already safed yourself a place in my heart

tiny question
is this right dutch?
ik kan geen sprecken nederlands!
i don't speack dutch!
ah lol .. k cause im on the forum quite often but i do not allways post, but im just wandering if i get kicked out of this clan if im not active for a week or whatever? i dont know the basic rules. So in that way its hard to start feelinf at home with the [Evil] tag i think, though till now i like every Evil member ive ssen so far .

lol about the question: ik gan geen sprecken nederlands,

only sprecken = spreken, the rest of the words are good,
Grammar needs to be = ik kan geen nederlands spreken.
Last edited by Squiziph; Feb 10, 2009 at 08:42 PM.
uhm it would be good if you wouldnt only watch the forums but also get active and post sth.

yoshimi, you may be active on the forums, so far that you check out news and some interesting threads but it seems you never post anywhere.. same exoray and others (at least get an avvy and a sig dudes >.< )

for me activity on the forum means also to post dunno how you guys see that.
My deviantART
so wut?