Original Post
BIG Sale. Extremely Cheap Items!
I am having a huge inventory sale.

Offer me what you want. It can be lower than in shops, but not by much.

Everything is for sale except for Acid and Adamntium Force (rest of Adamntium for sale).. and of course, textures.

So buy buy buy
Originally Posted by OK9ZERA View Post
How much for Azurite force? What's the lowest? I will pay all I can.

Ok i know that AKP was reserving one for you for 130 - 170K.. so i will give it to you for 100K.

Originally Posted by marcus View Post
How much for the vampire relax. That is really all I want.

Wait, 100. That be uber deal. Lemme just confirm that auction. I'll pay 120 ASAP. Don't wanna rip you off badly.
Well, the payment might be recieved by you soon, but you won't be able to send it for a few days, 'cause GumFighter is training me to 1500 Qi.