[Tutorial] - How To Be Creative
I'm tired of seeing shit in this section so I thought, hey, let's show these kids what art really is!
Because you don't want me yelling in your thread about how much you did wrong...
Look, I don't like yelling at people when it comes to art. But the way you guys do it, you're like incompetent piece of wooden plank that keeps on posting without thinking.
Let's start.
EUREKA! I've rendered something cool and I have to show the world!
...I'll be sure to include that it's my first try so I won't get flamed. I mean, that works for my parent's so why not here?
WRONG. We do NOT want to know if it's your first, second or even five hundred fucking render!
NO. Simply no. Do not type it in the thread or thread title. It makes you look like an idiot.
So let's say you created this:
And you didn't bother to put more effort in it because you thought it had to be shown to the world.
And then you sit there whine about how I ruined your life by telling you to put more effort into your work or to stop posting.
So, instead of posting that, think. Think real hard. Did you put your life and soul on making that? Do you think it's worth for everyone to look at?
If it's no, and that you're not proud of it, then
don't post
Back to the drawing board, you spend an hour or so and make sure everything is perfect, then you add some textures and you end up with this:
Not yet.
At this point most people get excited to get some comments, so excited they forget that they could work more on it and end up with this:
Some "Don't." 's :
Don't take a random image that you didn't create and slap your name / tag or any other tiny edit and post, that's stupid and not your work.
Don't type "my first". We don't care, if you want sympathy, go to your parents!
Don't say your art is awesome, it's up to the viewer to say, not you.
Don't rush. Take your time, the Internet will be there tomorrow too.
Don't steal others work.
Don't be a mindless jerk. To become an artist you must take hits by idiots, accept them and they will drop their guard next time. And use your brains, and try to be mature!
That's about it for now! Have fun kids, don't ruin this section with shit not even you want to show the Internet, yet you post it.