Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[HEADTEXTURE] Demon/Void Robot

A Preview to an upcoming set I'm making.
Not sure what else to say...
Comment, Criticize, and rate please.
Don't read this.
thats one great texture o.o . other than seeing it a bit overcrowled with details its a 10 to me, really great ^^
Ey thanks for the nice comments... But I didn't put any shading on it...
All the crazy lines and stuff distracts you from the important stuff.
Don't read this.
Yes,Was about to go say about the shading.
The head itsellf looksnot that bad.
The visor is fine.
But adding some shading on it will make it a bit more clear to see and bit more cool looking.
7/10 for me.
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