Welcome to the discussion of the clan Murder At Midnight.
Clan Name: Murder At Midnight
Clan Tag: [MaM]
Murder Leaders: Shynx
Murder Masters:
Blood Spreaders: Icylegend Ulus05 Akatsumi
Uke Rippers: Newbie4eva
Grave Diggers:
Clan Aim:
To become the best, wait, not just the best, the best of the best!
Clan Motto:
We will find you We will kill you And guess when? Midnight. We will MURDER AT MIDNIGHT!
You sleep in your bed. You twist and turn. But you can't get that feeling out of your head. A person watching. Suddenly you see a shadow leap across the wall. You pull the bedcovers tightly over your head. You see a glimpse of silver. The church bell rings midnight, Then you see sudden darkness. You just got Murdered At Midnight.
Belt: Rank: Fave Mods: How you will help [MAM]: Activity: