Secret Santa 2024
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Initiating Moves for Judo!
Hey looking for some initiating moves for Judo which i can use and customize if needed. I allready know 3 but i seem to be loosing vs advanced players which use some weird dismember initiators
Well, you can find pre-made moves for Judo (or other mods), but they aren't really useful. I suggest you to experiment openers (what you call initiating moves ;) ) by yourself.

Premade moves are useless since you have to "adapt" (?) them according to the opponent's move.

So yeah, good luck with that !
Ok, how can i adapt when its the first move Thats why i am asking for help on initiating moves to start powerfull, im pretty good at the mid-fight but i have no really good initiators

Where do i find these pre-made initiator moves?
Well, premade moves ? I don't have some. Though, I can tell you something : try to make "polyvalent" attacks. Kick the opponent & grab him at the same time. That's what I always do.
Ye normal i do the standard contract both pecs, right lumbar and left the chest or other way around. and extend one and contract the other hip with some relax. but ive seen people that grab and kick really hard and kick of your leg i made one move where i lean down and kick in the knee but i often got grabbed in the head. so im wondering for some new Pre-made initiators since all Initiators are nearly premade? since there are no adjustments
y if i'd do that tactic i focus on using the hand as a "sledge" ? or like a hammer swinging it as fast as possible trying to rip something off in the swing but still im looking for more initiating options so i never grow old and when i get big streaks i dont want to become predictable

And im also looking for something more advanced ive been trying to throw myself down in a position for a jump but however i always end up that they get to grab my head with the standard contract pex grip an i get raped. however if i could get down fast enough and dodge i could do my kneebreaker and easily win any tips? moves?
Last edited by Devilhate; Apr 7, 2009 at 08:43 PM.
um contract your abs, might give a little extra speed in dodging downwards, just enough to avoid the opponent?

take a look at this thread for another opener:
the second turn is the most vital part, it twists the opponent around and upside down.
Last edited by ToriChad; Apr 18, 2009 at 11:10 AM.