Bunch of items for sale
Hey there,
As you can see, I'm selling these items :
Bronze Relax 4500
Camo Relax 12000
Gold Force 15000
Gold relax 15000
Pharos Force 45000
Pharos Relax 45000
Platinum User Text 20000
Quicksilver Blood 54000
Quicksilver Ghost 20800
Quicksilver User Text 21600
Sapphire Blood 30000
Sapphire Force 15000
Sapphire Force 15000
Toxic relax 42000
Typhon Blood 30000
Typhon Force 15000
Typhon Ghost 11600
Typhon Relax 15000
Typhon User Text 12000
Tyrian Relax 27000
Vampire Force 6000
Vampire User Text 64000
Viridian Blood 84000
Viridian Left Hand Motion Trail 67200
Name a price, bid, whatever... I just want to get rid of them.
Also, yeah, the hole pack for 300K (57% cheaper than the value)