Original Post
[Auction]Aurora, Platinum, Persian, Maya pack
Last edited by Gerkkou; Apr 24, 2009 at 05:34 PM.
Gay for 2Bash
Pink robe ftw
Can i autobuy Platinum

Don't send it just yet though.

Can i buy it with items?

if not please wait for about 15 or so minutes until i can get the tc.

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
No items... Yeah, i'll wait for the tc
Post here when you have it so i can send the pack
Gay for 2Bash
Pink robe ftw
20k aurora
25k maya
25k persian
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
K just um,Please don't sell it to anyone before i can get the tc,I really want this :P

Edit*Above statement was pointless,nvm i see that bought by ownagehuh thing :3

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Hey dude i have the 55k now.

I will send it and just send the PLATINUM pack when you get on :3

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame