Original Post
There are some names that belong to Evil.

I don't care about the circumstances in which you left. I want you back.

Last edited by Imubai; May 3, 2009 at 02:24 AM.
man, i am very vinculated with my actual clan, Latin, u know, i would like to be in Evil if i were clanless.. but have present in your mind that i will be here to hel Evil whenever it is needed... =)
it's me Killzonex
i got a new name
and i have to say sorry
but you can't get me back
diaf is a very nice and powerfull clan and the guyz there are as nice as you
you were always very very polite and nice to me and i thank for it
but you were not and i think you are not active in-game soy ou are not the right clan for me
i realized that and it makes me said
but i hope you guys don't hate me for it
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
You know killzone I'm not mad at you. I'm pissed off.

Have you taken the time to consider that maybe if you tried to contribute we may get a little more active. And when I was leader I made everyone a recruiter so maybe if you took the time to recruit we'd be more active. Oh and just because you don't see anyone in the goddam game doesn't mean they don't play. We all have different time zones for pity's sake. It may be morning where you are but it could be midnight where someone else is. I mean even if you were playing then technically the clan isn't really active because you were playing all day every damn day.

You people are always leaving with the same damn excuse but I would bet a million dollars you didn't think of half the things I said.
Sahee: so your nick is vagina? Dude you shouldn't get into clans, clans should get into you.
Pookie, there's no use blowing up about it. what's done is done.
"The only thing your first breath leads to is your last."
You're not getting Ethereal back. ;o
Though, we will work on something for both clans to do.
We got your message for help.
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing
You heard the man, Imubai. My apologies, but I'm happy in Inq. And I wouldn't want to join just to be inactive, you know?
ey pooki
if someone was active he lifes in australia or somethign like that
i sometimes played a bout 8 hours a day
and didn't saw ANYONE
and even if the different timezones make us not seeing anybody
than i have to search a clan with my timezones
i found it
i understand you pissed
but i don't understand why wanna make me pissed now
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S
Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
You know killzone I'm not mad at you. I'm pissed off.

Have you taken the time to consider that maybe if you tried to contribute we may get a little more active. And when I was leader I made everyone a recruiter so maybe if you took the time to recruit we'd be more active. Oh and just because you don't see anyone in the goddam game doesn't mean they don't play. We all have different time zones for pity's sake. It may be morning where you are but it could be midnight where someone else is. I mean even if you were playing then technically the clan isn't really active because you were playing all day every damn day.

You people are always leaving with the same damn excuse but I would bet a million dollars you didn't think of half the things I said.

No disrespect pookie, but he left, its over, deal with it. I kind of agree with him on the inactivity, but I can tolerate it. He can't. Key issue here.
oh i'm back partially because this is my family partially because you guys are some what forum active and and well i wasn't done here when i was unfairly kicked.

So i'm back i have no hard feelings to any [Evil] Members and i hope its the same vise-versa.
Now with 100% less angst