ive been having trouble with my xbox360 evry time i turn it on theres a red ring around the xbox and then it freezes im gettn it fixed now but do u guys know wat might of caused it
btw it was an arcade
ive been having trouble with my xbox360 evry time i turn it on theres a red ring around the xbox and then it freezes im gettn it fixed now but do u guys know wat might of caused it
btw it was an arcade
lol. thats a big reason. the arcades are just gifts for people whos parents didnt want to spend much or people who didnt read reviews. anyways, this happens to many xboxs and is still not fixed completely. your best bet is to get a newer (and better) xbox.
What. arcade consoles don't have different kinds of hardware that would cause more overheating, and they do not overheat more often.. where did this myth come from? What matters is which version of a 360 you have which isn't dependent on the class: Xenon, Falcon or Jasper
The problem is called a "general hardwhere failure" This means that one of the parts has died inside of the Xbox. The usual couse ) is the fan shaking the screws or wires loose or the consol overheating.
It can be fixed but I recomend call microsoft and getting it replaced/fixed by them. MOST of the time theyll fix this for free as it was so common however they wanted to charge me $169aus to get mine fixed (It had a diffrent problem to yours)
If they ask you to pay to have it fixed its sometimes worthwhile looking at a second hand one. I found 1 for $30 more with 12months warnty and a controler.
Well this is really weird but my Xbox got the red ring the first time we started up. We panicked shitloads for a while then tried again an hour later and it worked fine, gg miracles.
So yeah, you will want to ring up the microsoft help line and arrange for it to be sent to get fixed. They will let you keep your hard drive and repair the actual xbox, you sometimes get a free 1 month XBL too :o