Original Post
[DSC] Heir of Nubs
Welcome to my clan:

Heir of Nubs

Clan Story

This clan is supposed to be for the noobs who can find clans
They are all welcome here

Clan Aim

Become best clan for noobs

Clan Rules

Respect me
No doing anything illegle
Must be under 2nd Dan black


Favourite mod:



Clan Bank



im sorry but since this is ur first post and ur DSC is very weak... i think this clan will fail.

but Good Luck
I love MightyMouse <3

Originally Posted by Heir View Post
Clan Rules
Respect me

You should implement some friends into this clan who already respect you. Give people a reason to respect your i.e. be a respectable person and people will respect you. I suggest you revise your rules.

@gamer828 and Bloobing: Dont be dicks.

Heir dont worry about bloobing and gamer828.
Last edited by Fish; Apr 5, 2010 at 03:44 AM.
Diffeent idea, good luck with it. Good idea now that I think about it as if you do a good enough job you can have this clan act as a platform for those members to move into better clans.
actually you know what.... that is a good idea. a platform type deal. but you should at least have higher belt members as the leaders so that they can teach. it can be kind of like a PreSchool. i would defenitely make this official when the time comes and after you make the DSC and ideas better.
I love MightyMouse <3

you know nvm i remember when i couldnt gtein a clan a clan chaged me it how i fou nd forums and i think you could enrich many noobs this way i hope u get official and good luck =D