Safe trade.
I just went to the shop page to check my tc, to my surprise I notice something new.
Safe trade / Active.
I read the description of the safe trade and realised how much better it is than transferring Items, when you administer a trade the target receiver is sent a pm containing the items you'd like in return. They then agree or decline and can even change there offer from what you wanted, both participants would then have to 'accept' the trade before the transaction takes place, in other words. Less scams. The active trades panel I can only assume tells you what stage your trades are in before both players have accepted, stages such as waiting for other player to accept, or waiting for other players offer. Stuff like that.
What are your views on this new feature?
Also the dealfinder got an upgrade, now when you go to search for an item a drop down list comes up matching your text to whatever items match. Makes browsing the dealfinder easier.
Again, what are your views?
My view :
Dealfinder - I noticed this shortly after the dealfinder was updated and I love it, it really makes things easier.
Safe trade - I haven't used it yet but it looks like it would bring security up and scams down quite well, I'll happily give it my endorsements.