Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Tart View Post
Even if you made the greatest app ever, we don't want you in our clan :U

Yeah, that.

Thanks for trying, please don't post inside our board again or I'll report you.
Name: Mike
Age: 16
Belt/Qi (User Card):
Past Clans: [Aliens], [PK], [Ghost]
IRC Access: available
Infraction History: none
A little about yourself (optional): My name is Michael, I'm Russian. I enjoy parkour, basketball or just hanging out in the neighbourhood. I'm rather old player, though I've recently been inactive (for about a year or so). I decided to join [r] because i was looking for a fresh and lively clan, and such is Raid IMO. If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them all.
Last edited by slasher666; May 15, 2010 at 02:42 PM.
Hey guys! I don't know where to post this, but I would like to be your clan friend, can I?
Name: Ghiita
Age: 15
Belt/Qi (User Card):

Past Clans: None as you see im kinda new
IRC Access: What?
Infraction History: 1 ilegal bump worth 2 points and a warning for useless post(But he deserved it)
A little about yourself (optional):Well i came to the toribash comunity 3 weeks ago and i saw that i can texture for the game.
I started texturing and because that i have that low Qi and belt i spend alot of time drawing/texturing
Some of my work here:

And whats that irc acces?

IRC is like a big chat room where we can all chill, most clans have them. Click the Chat tab at the top join a server and type /join #raid ~Fee
Last edited by Fee; May 19, 2010 at 11:31 PM.