Christmas Lottery
Name: kosuke758
Age: 12
Belt/Qi (User Card): black/1400
Past Clans: [D]issident
IRC Access: im online
A little about yourself (optional):im student
Name: alin334
Age: 14
Belt/Qi (User Card): black/1418
Past Clans: not official
IRC Access: im online
A little about yourself (optional):a good player and v good at wushu
No your not, your still being discussed.

Now stop posting here, and get in IRC (/join #Raid)

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Name: Manbasher
Age: 12
Belt/Qi (User Card):
Past Clans: None, but have trying to get into raku.
IRC Access: What's that?
Infraction History: Usless post in the art forums.
A little about yourself (optional): I get on at least once a day. Great multiplayer at Judo, Akaido, Kickboxing, and Sambo. I make descent heads/sigs.
I'm [Sexy]
My name is Danny molyneux,and i'm seventeen years old this July.

Magical user card:

Past Clans:K,Hug and Hex.
IRC Access:never really used the IRC,but i'll happily start.
Infracs: one,double posted
About Me: i'm a really friendly guy to most people who have common sense,i have a 168 IQ,weigh 219 pounds,good at all mods,and i really never understood jenga.
Last edited by danballl; Jun 28, 2010 at 08:16 AM.
Please, take another small amount of time to click this link And help me out
sorry Danball Raid is now invite only, pm a leader asking if it was a possibility to post an app. sorry if you have already done this.