Woah! Are you fucking serious! I Fail!
If it wasent for me you wouldent be in this fucking clan.
You better back off bro.
I dont fail, you dont fail, no-one fails, alright! get that threw your head.
I asked you "wheere you are" because i posted about an event on the events thread so you can have somthing to do.
Even if we have inactive members they all gave me reasons why.
Thats why i havent said anything about it.
I have my shit checked out buddy.
These are my forums, this is my clan, i've been running it for about 9 mounths now and there hasn't been a problem yet.
I havent herd one member stop by and say, "hey matt the clan looks like it fails because we have 5 inactive members" wipty damn do. They have lifes they have to live.
i see them ingame frequntly. so it dosent matter.
no-one has problems with stellargod either hes sometime inactive.
You got my point.
I worked my ass off for this clan. i dont care what people say. all i hear is Matt's a fail, matts this matts that. and look im still here arnt i!?
so i think i've stand my ground.
i wish you please stop calling my out like this affei. your starting to piss me off with these out burst.