Originally Posted by ElCaeko View Post
So do we have to be in a gmt? Same country, state? Please tell. Will be useful.

It'll be game region - NA users can add each other, EU users the same.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
hey can someone please add me..mine is 236499982602...i think i played some of u guys.. im spiderduke. hey cool guy imma take ya place cuz u cant beat me lmao..
Ah spiderduke sup I'll add ya. Check for mines in the friends code thread.
I'm back :)
The most exciting matches I had where

1. Coolboy
2. daxx
3. Shadowgz
4. Elcakeo
I'm back :)
hahaha the one i had most fun was against lammy! both of us had 2 wins and i amazingly won the last round with my broken foot about to touch the floor! freaken awesome!
and yea dex i had some good games against u and daxx is really good >.<
Lol daxx you remember that powerful decap I did on you. We both saved it . Now only if I can do that in real game.
I'm back :)
Same. But it is the Same belt though. Just different qi system.
I'm back :)