Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Ern View Post
A tad simplistic leilak. I enjoyed the second half more than the first. Maybe speed up the into to come into a decent beat earlier. Very nice start though mate, editing and mixing is the next step ;]

Yeah I only know the very basics of that program, still have a lot to learn regarding that matter etc.

Numbers: who is darkski?
It was a bit to slow.. Took a while for it to get started... And once it started i didnt really feel any difference to the song.

You need way more layers in your tunes.. And a more complicated beat.. the 4/4 beat is just to simple, and with the slow unchanging melody.. its Like a 5 second song that keeps repeating it self, it gets old quite fast.. But stuff like this takes time to master ;).. Good start. Just needs some more love from mr. leilak
Last edited by eyCoco; Jan 14, 2011 at 10:33 PM.
It's like a game of risk but with clans, but only 1 person per clan. 5 clans per one of the two sides.

I'd like it more if they let us swap the person that plays whenever we wanted.
Last edited by Numbers; Jan 18, 2011 at 05:03 AM.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
Basically, we choose a representative for the clan and he will be a general on one of the sides. (hampa's side and some other guy's). Then the teams will have something of a war. Kinda like in the game risk. You have to read the way it works as that has the best explanation. I personally think that we should go for it. Just we need to choose someone on the clan who is on everyday and is good at wushu and aikido.

Prizes may not be the best but this seems fun.

Edit: dammit numbers.

I'd be up for it since my favorite/best mods are wushu and aikido, unless anybody else wants to do it.

Btw: I pmed Bojan asking if we were allowed to swap members per clan every now and then since it would be boring for the clan if only one person did the gameplay.
Last edited by Numbers; Jan 18, 2011 at 05:02 AM.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set