View Poll Results: should we use my idea?
3 Votes / 75.00%
1 Votes / 25.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by EeE33 View Post
aaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddd dddd


black belt minimum>


But all those accs together would be 2nd dan.
I don't know does my votes count yet as a new member, but.

KitTiger, I kinda liked the replays, but some effort could have been put to the stances. But the minimum limit is black, so no. Try applying again when you are. And take your time writing your app then.

20K, The replays were nice, but I don't believe that shook would suck that much even in online. He belongs to [T] now too. So mentioning that would be nice. Black belt limits again, so no, I'm afraid. And if reapplying again when you are a black belt, please put some effort in writing the app too.

And sorry if I don't have the rights for this stuff yet. ;D And thanks Death. =)
Last edited by clayspade; May 31, 2011 at 08:36 PM.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
thrust me i don't care how many alts do you have, that rule is for clan rank i don't wanna see peps with blue belt ingame even with 2 dan abilities because 1 dan and 2 and 3(sometimes) SUCK.

black belt is something like line between player and beginner

for me black belt should be from 5k qi

soo no end.

and i know den we have one brown belt in clan....

but i know then it is Dj decision and i obey that and thrust him
Last edited by EeE33; Jun 1, 2011 at 02:46 AM.
ProtoType OLDA Aikido Trainers
Didn't anyone else watch the replays...? And I want to know that are my votes counted.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
I think we can all agree that these two're denied for good ... or at least til blackbelt...
☼Extreme til the end☼
Kam | Tsukiomi l Pickaxecut l BamBam69 l Linkhunter l Cozzakill | DjPz
Age: 14

Picture of yourself: (001.jpg)


Why you want to join Pure:You guys seem like an awesome clan,fun,skillful,respectable,and trustworthy.

Why we should pick you to be in Pure:Im very skillful,somewhat good in photoshop,and making reaplays.

Were you invited? nope

Other: im awesome

Include at least 2 replays:
Attached Images
001.jpg (89.4 KB, 64 views)
Attached Files
split double.rpl (85.1 KB, 6 views)
blind_punch.rpl (66.4 KB, 7 views)
Bleep bloop
nice replays!!! but belt requirement kills the app... come back when you're blackbelt...
☼Extreme til the end☼
Kam | Tsukiomi l Pickaxecut l BamBam69 l Linkhunter l Cozzakill | DjPz
Then i will be coming back today 43 more games untill black ;)
Bleep bloop