Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: should we use my idea?
3 Votes / 75.00%
1 Votes / 25.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll
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eh... it is a good name but it doesn't even sound good with pure next to it... and none the less the replays really just threw him off his coarse ._.
1. The name isn't that important.
2. You dont have a permission to judge other appilicants...
3. ...ecpesially when you are not a member of Pure.
4. Put /invade tag next time, and even then don't do it without a proper reason.
5. Seems like you posted on our other threads too... cz.
6. I take that as an app, and I reject it, and disabled your applying for a while.

I know I don't have the rights for the stuff in part 6. But I still say no, as I think of it s an appilication, since it doesn't have a invade tag.

...Wtf, is it Dan?
Last edited by clayspade; Jul 2, 2011 at 06:23 PM.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
It sounds quite nice, didn't reckognize it in the begginning. But isn't the ban ging to disappear someday?
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
Age: 18
Belt: Brown belt
Why you want to join Pure: I think Pure is a good clan and it is. And because theres lots of friendly people.
Why we should pick you to be in Pure: I dunno, but it would be cool.

Thanks for reading!

And heres some replays, if ya want to see.
Proud member of myself.
Age: 17
Belt: Masterbelt

Why you want to join Pure: I haven't been in a clan for a few years and I need some people to play with and whenever I am online I always see some guys from [pure] online.

Why we should pick you to be in Pure: I am a very active player on the forums, ingame, and on irc. I have skills that are comparable to a mythical being as well as radical freestyle rapping ability.

Were you invited? If so, by who? no
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Last edited by TheGod; Jul 4, 2011 at 12:08 AM.