Originally Posted by darkstate View Post
lol hey dem0 is that clan MM movie master?

yeah is movie master :B
Originally Posted by darkstate View Post
lol hey dem0 is that clan MM movie master?

Yep MM got name change so it confusing peoples xD
It gets better...
guys i got this lol i didnt want it but i hade my first 5 10 on my califications and well
i was surprised today lol xD and hey chus if u play on onlin ur gamertag if u want

alsow this game rules


alsow this trialer rules i love it
Last edited by SER0; Nov 10, 2011 at 04:56 PM.
Wth?!!? Guys do u remember how many posts I had on mc account? I think something like 800. Becouse now I've got 707 there...
Do you remember how many posts I had?
Also gears of war is epic to me too. :3

Lul, why u did it guys. That was our history!!!! And my posts!!!!!!! xD
But rly, why u did it.