Christmas Lottery
Okay. ;)
Well, i don't really know for how much i will sell it, but probably i'm gonna make an auction for it. But do you think i'd better sell it in a fixed price, or make an auction ?
An auction would be better here imo. It's an average head, nothing hyperrealistic or drawn by an epic artist (no offend, hope you get it in the way I meant it ).
Lol keep cool Count, no problem. It's the reality after all. ;)
Okay then, gonna start the auction soon, just need more heads to be auctioned.
And 1 more thing, is it good to make a 1 TC start auction ? Just need some opinions on this. ;)
just as an addition to my previous post: You know, like when someone for example like hampa sells something he created it's worth way more than originally. Not saying that you're a bad artists or something, just the way the market works.

I wouldn't recommand 1tc starting auctions. Especially when you are auctioning more then 3 heads, cause it'll loose itselfs somewhere ~200tc which is way too low.
just start around 500tc and make it 4k autobuy, 100tc raising
i though Blacky is good at art and marketing he inspire me to do both
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you