Christmas Lottery
Okay kay got it. And yeah Count I knew that. It's because their charisma as famous people. There are many people now that are hunting famous artist's works like that.

And Trice, I may be good at art, marketing, pricing, and stuffs like that, thanks. But people opinion can be different. And I'm asking this cause sometimes profits are tailed by lost, and I've encountered that. I got profits on some heads, but got cheap for some head that i worked hard for. :/ Good anyway if you got inspiration from me. ;)
Mmhmm know what i mean ? ;)
no i don't get it i got it anyway can anyone tell me how much all my Deactivate
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Very priceless bro Forgot about prices, but probably for flame particle + gaia torso it will be around 3500++ TC, i think..
Just check market and calculate there.
Ohh so j is for Joseph..
Btw, it's pretty good. I don'n really know about kirlia's figure, so I can't comment on it much. Probably you could make gallade ? ;)