I don't know. Onda should be back. D:
Also guys I have a new head. And it gives me power!! When I played I had "MANY" strike on Aikido Big Dojo. If you want to see it, dl and lp me. Artist is PsyTrance. :3
PolishPlayer | Fan Club
Go ingame and type /dl lolman101 (it will download my items) and when it will say "downloading of lolman101 complete" you must write /lp 0 (or 1) lolman101. It will show my tori.
PolishPlayer | Fan Club
Originally Posted by Deividu13 View Post
Sorry guys... I've been inactive because of MW3 and Black Ops. xD

LOL, me too, but in Skate3 and FIFA12 xDD
Guysss, im back. I have been inactive 'cuz of school, but now im gonna be more active :3
ToriPrime ;P
Click my egg or it will eat you >:O