I have nothing against the monarchy as such either, beyond the usual 'whats the point in them?' What i do quite like is the sheer irreverence of the guy, if you watch some of the other videos of his, he really likes to challenge popularly held public opinions in the same kind of way, if you can get past the crudity, he makes some very good points, somewhat like brass eye minus the subtlety.
And yeah, you will always get people who like to argue that black is white, (i live with someone like that) but that makes things fun, although it can be quite irritating when someone is being a contentious cunt just for the sake of it.
Meanwhile, in the recruitment room:

WickedHayo: To anyone who is interested, apply here -
r3dh4wk: Ok I applied
WickedHayo: No you didn't
r3dh4wk: can have join?

I'm not sure I can handle all the damage my brain seems to recieve whilst hosting one of these servers.
No matter, I shall struggle on in our quest to find a player not mentally disabled.

E: Also check out Slybash's new signature -

EE: Oh god someone applied.
Last edited by Wicked; Jun 12, 2012 at 12:21 AM.
Originally Posted by Shigechio View Post
Lol, saw SlyBash's sig.
Also, I own a Time Splitters too.

I can't say it's bad.

It's brilliant.
Better than these new-wave call of duty games.

No but in all seriousness COD is shit.