Secret Santa 2024
Although i said id be away for a while, that apparently isnt the case, genuine psychopaths are damn scary to deal with so i need the forums to distract me apparently (sad eh?)
That aside, i sadly never learned how to make gifs, Crett got some talent for this, nice style man :)
Do you have animation shop? It's pretty easy. I can give you a link to a free download of animation shop and you basically draw your own pictures like crett did in his by hand.
i use flash a lot
always making spastic stick figures
there's usually violence in them
wat a crappy gaem
wut wre u thinkin
pheyli is mean
i hate you pheyli
Last edited by Wicked; Jul 5, 2012 at 03:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by FinalWish View Post
What has Pheyli done that so deserves such a resounding verbal assault?

I keep following her into servers and everytime I join - she leaves.
It's hurting my feelings.

Also Final, IRC.