Christmas Lottery
I hope this clan doesn't die and the remaining members to be active
Why is there no recruiter??
Last edited by Deejay101; Oct 6, 2012 at 12:44 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You are reading this aren't you? That's cool.
anyone who is still in this clan im pretty sure this clan is dead i failed in leading it and hoped my friend could help she sorta betrayed me........anyways i dont know if chel can bring it back i hope she can.if she cant be on the look out for a new clan im going to make soon ive basically given up on twisteds furture im sorry
Toribash's unholy angel
I thought you had more heart in you Rip
Guess I was wrong
Seriously you give up now
You WILL NEVER SUCCEED on any clan if you give up so easily sheesh
It's not dead.
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Jeff I suggest you don't post here anymore
Your not helping their current situation
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Name :James K.
Age: 13
Why do you want to join Twist ?:i think it will make me train harder
In-game activity (1-10, 1=bad 10=best) :9
Forum Activity(1-10, 1=bad 10=best) :8
What's your GMT?:
What can you do for the clan?:i can get TC and train people