Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Felepeno View Post
Now something interesting happened to me today that may relate to this topic, Sadly not with the current conversation in it. Anyways -- Today a friend of mine, announced that her religion is Judaism, Now i don't really mind and i just kind of went on from there. but after that, She started to hand out flyers of her church saying something about her religion.... Now this really threw me off! I didn't believe that my friend that i have had for a little over 5 years, would shove her beliefs down peoples throats. Metaphorically of course but she wouldn't stop! The school supervisor had to stop her for advertising to much. It just made me think that if their are actually people this devoted into getting people into their own religion, Are their people that fight wars over it today?

As with all people who have a certain kind of belief.Some want to convince people that this is the "right" religion etc..And, the bigger a group is..the more attached he/she will be to x religion.It's not something unusual really.

Wars because of religion?Let's just say some people use religion to guide people around, and convince them to sacrifice their life for a "cause".
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by William View Post
As with all people who have a certain kind of belief.Some want to convince people that this is the "right" religion etc..And, the bigger a group is..the more attached he/she will be to x religion.It's not something unusual really.

Wars because of religion?Let's just say some people use religion to guide people around, and convince them to sacrifice their life for a "cause".

No different the drinking the kool aid
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by SnoojaDogg View Post
I'm not going to dismiss NormalCitizen's viewpoint. Alien life is a lot more rational than half the crap in the bible. According to the Genesis creation account humans had only inhabited Earth for 5000-6000 years. However, it is historical knowledge that Scandinavians were in their stone age around 7000 BC. Before that, the entire world was supposed to be a void of non-existence, but we were actually in our ice age.

All of the modern day translations of the Hebrew Bible do not say that the Earth is 5,000 to 6,000 years old. If you do find a passage where it insinuates so, please let me know. The only church bodies that seem to have read that passage are the Evangelical Reformed Presbyterian Church, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and the Seventh-day Adventist Church (which adhere to Young Earth Creationism as doctrine).
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Originally Posted by Felepeno View Post
Now something interesting happened to me today that may relate to this topic, Sadly not with the current conversation in it. Anyways -- Today a friend of mine, announced that her religion is Judaism, Now i don't really mind and i just kind of went on from there. but after that, She started to hand out flyers of her church saying something about her religion....

You didn't hear that correctly then. Jews do not have churches, and almost all Jews do very little in the way of proselytizing.

Originally Posted by NormalCitizen
This only appeals to the weak-minded.

Right, because you're superbly smarter than 7/8 of the world, and you can stand on your pedestal and lambast them for not figuring it as cleverly as you have by your teenage years.

This is why many atheists are insufferable.

Too many of you confuse the evils of organized religion with the spiritual beliefs of the individual.
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Hey look more than two lines.
I guess I consider myself to just be agnostic/secular. I don't really like to think/discuss religion too much because to be honest, I don't know much about it. Never read the entire bible, or any other holy book (even though I attend a Christian church once in awhile). I figure if I don't do anything terribly bad in my life, and if there is a God, then there is no reason why I should be mistreated if there is an after life of some sort. If. That is all.
Your pal,
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
This is why many atheists are insufferable.

Too many of you confuse the evils of organized religion with the spiritual beliefs of the individual.

I've met insufferable people in just about every area of the spectrum. Be it buddhists, christians, muslims, jews, taoists, hindus, plenty of people are insufferable twits.

Therefore, it is very easy to just stereotype that entire group like that.

I think atheism has some sort of hipster allure to teenagers, angsty or otherwise.

I am personally not devout by any sense of the term to anything, although, I do have my own particular spiritual beliefs regarding the universe. I've come up with a particular name for my outlook on it. I call it Hydeism(I wasn't kidding that one time I suggested I was god[I sort of was, but, wait till you hear more]), because oneism was taken.

It is a fairly good perspective on existence, as it explains it as something that already exists. Let me explain it in a matter which is easy to understand.

You are on a flat piece of land, and want to build a hill. You have a shovel. By taking the matter in the ground and moving it, you are making a hill, but leaving a negative hill, or a hole. In other words, you cannot create a hill without making a hole, and you cannot make a hole without creating at least 1 hill(tiny or otherwise). This concept applies to every single thing in the universe.

This, according to me, states that our conscience is not destroyed, merely put back into the data stream, as our conscience is, basically, an extremely complex mutating algorithm. We, no matter how you want to look at it, are the universe. We are one with it. We are all Hyde, despite the fact that you may see Hyde as an individual other than yourself.

We are minuscule dirt particles of either a hill or a hole(not literally, but, as a reference to the idea).

In any case, I demand that you mortals bow down to me and submit at least 8 times a day.
That applies to the 3 main monotheistic religions as well. I've yet to hear anyone come up with something similar.

Doesn't mean I can't force people to recognize me as that overall more important particle of dirt than any other particle in the hill
Show me some evidence of a god and I'll believe in one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Originally Posted by Marco View Post
Show me some evidence of a god and I'll believe in one

The term eternal is one that is made for those without no end. God is eternal (As all religions see it) He doesn't have to appear in a certain shape or form. People that say "Show me God and I'll believe" are no better then those who take God to the extreme. So for fucks sake, please put aside your atheist views for one second and see the other side of the coin before making such a brash statement.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...