Christmas Lottery
congratz i see plenty of yes and 0 nos I have also seen many people love and rant about you and ask for you to be in the clan so....
"and then the small boy left a small trail of urine as he hurried off into the sunset"~firebolty
Amg guise a girl say yes or ur gay

Internet, how predictable :P

Anyways welcome, I can't really say yes since you're already invited lol
[slowmode] Welcome here o7 [/slowmode]
^ω^ Kotyatki ║ OŁƉɅ ║ Ultimatum in my heart ║ ɅWSUM 8+ years ║ NɅƦKѠTIKI!
Age: 13
Belt: Brown
Who Invited You: The Clan Button
Replays: Can't put them on here (Replay Names: hEL1, An Open Book, noheadandnoarms, Ninjakid57_My First Decap!, Bits by Bits, Ninjakid57_So Many Pieces! and more.)
Artworks: None (I don't/can't download GIMP)