Christmas Lottery
When I was younger, I really used to prefer the cold environments instead of feeling the heat all over me. No idea why. Maybe the hotness had a bigger effect on me, back then.

Nowadays and with the RIDICULOUS cold weather lately, I just want to snuggle up under my bed blankets and just stay there forever. But I can't. D:
Why must life be so hard..?

Anyway... just fell like sharing some of my thoughts.
How is everybody doing?
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Grats and great stuff there.
The only thing I disliked was the fact of her eyes being covered.
Other than that: a round of applause for you, sir.

/returns to the secret base

edit: your (?) blue parrot has a mad hair style, yo.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Originally Posted by Hayz View Post
Grats and great stuff there.
The only thing I disliked was the fact of her eyes being covered.
Other than that: a round of applause for you, sir.

/returns to the secret base

edit: your (?) blue parrot has a mad hair style, yo.

Well, it was more of a surprise thing, because you know, I finally hit 1,000 views. What a surprise, it matched the element, and I'm still horrible at making eyes via tablet/computer, so I left it out.
The ribbon over the eyes was easier than working endlessly, trying to make the eyes perfect. Just style:p

I really doubt I'll continue with my computer drawing, I like hand drawings better. Haha, to me it takes more talent and skill to shade by hand than do it on the computer.

And, yes. He does have a mad hairstyle ;)
Hey... as long as you continue to produce your fantastic art, sounds alright to me. :]

So, hey... guess who I did tonight?
Yes, you're right. I gave life to stuff.

I'm so pro, right? Right?

This puppy has 149 frames and took me about 45 minutes (it was my first time, ok?) to produce them.
You'll probably will see stuff at different speeds. Yes, I'm aware of that. The problem is when I reproduce things in the software itself, everything goes smoothly and speed is the same throughout the entire animation. When I save and export this baby to a gif. format, speed changes in some parts. Even though I already tried difference combinations of settings and frames sharpening, I honestly don't know what the problem is.
Anyway... yeah. It's still a WIP and I'm definitely looking forward to develop a soap-opera from this.

But for now it's bed time.

quick edit:
I managed to get save it in a way that the speed changes are less noticeable.
The speed, though, it's a tad more slow compared to the first one.
Either way, I'll leave it right below.


Last edited by Hayz; Dec 1, 2012 at 02:00 AM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
That awkward moment when you realize you've done something just because you were bored and now you regret it totally. Fuck.

On other note: thanks for the ROM suggestion, Nearly.
Gave it a shot today and it was quite something, alright. Medabots isn't that really strange to me because I remember a certain younger self just sitting on the couch and watch it on TV. So I played for about a hour or so and closed the emulator window because it was lunch time. Decided to play a bit more afterwards to only realize that I forgot to save my previous progress.

Rage quit never felt so good.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~