Christmas Lottery
Yes, he did.
...Yes, he did.

Also, Nearly... I've read your message.
You suck at convincing.
gg, though.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
Yeah, they always come crawling back. One cannot get to far without their soul

The furthest any soulless person has gone before (He's English which is a +1 for bias)

Well, someone had to pull out the cuntcannon and do it.
Sold my dog to join RRO
So I've managed to get my phone back for a bit, but I have limited access.
I would tell you the tale but I'm afraid it's too intense for mortal ears.
Hay-Z should still get a Skype notnoob back me up.

Also it's good to be back I'm never leaving again.
wow that
Man... you're just annoying.
And let me say that the chances of ever getting a skype are lowering instead of rising.

PS: It's hayz not Hay-Z.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
All I saw was you saying your username was Hay-Z
If I'm genuinely annoying you then ill stop.
If not get a Skype.
Ok I'm sorry.
wow that
I've been active on IRC these last couple of days.
Our channel needs more people, though.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~