nm.. new workplace, lol we are moving again and again ahahahaha

and only I see my nick as snake?

it seems to work like filter on pirate day when i write hampa it turns into snake
hahah, yeah that would be fucking fun. I would start with reorganizing lots of shit here ;P
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by William View Post

Anyway, how are you doing today guys?Weather is lovely over here

It's lovely here too
And I'm the lamest... Hampa, I mean, c'mon no one cool? D;
Siku can't touch this!
yeah there's a magic filter or something, I see myself as ham pa but it changes if I write it properly xD

Weather's good here as well :3

It's crazy how my sleep schedule changes between winter and spring ! like winter I can barelly see the day light, even with an alarm clock I sleep the whole day and wake myself up around 6pm, like 10h of sleep and I'm still tired. Since it's spring, I wake up around 1pm-2pm, no alarme clock, fresh like a flower, even if I went to sleep at 8am :o
seasons...that's crazy.