And I made a new gif on flash for when something is confirmed
wat a crappy gaem
wut wre u thinkin
And I'm still here.

Good stuff like always, bro... don't really know if you have been drawing/sketching a lot lately (probably not cuz lack of postings) but you still remember that drawing you promised me?

It would be a nice thing... That is: if you have some time to get on it. If not, it's okay.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
I didn't forget about it, but I sort of forgot what I was going to do it about. And no, that picture was the first one in about like 4-5 months. Haven't felt like drawing lately.
But could you possibly post in there? I need to post again because I fixed the pictures shading quality so it doesn't look pencily. But I can't double post.
I just realized that I didn't erase the "no nose" part.
that was before I made him/her/she/it a weird attempt at something furry.
good job me.
ignore that part.

here's something I'm actually serious workin on

rough draft.
Last edited by Nearly; Apr 16, 2013 at 09:07 AM.
wow that