Christmas Lottery
You have a good mentor there. Nearly's pretty good when it comes to tricking and sp'ing.

Btw, guys... we need to set another date for another play session.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Originally Posted by Fuze View Post
nearly has taught me sparring and sp stuff practically since I started tb

More like yelled at you and told you every single wrong thing about your replays
at that time.

Fuze is pretty good/standard at the moment, though.
wow that
It's me link.

I figured out the gms give bans and infractions so much for dumb stuff.

Have you noticed when people get higher belts and better skills they get banned more?

well get this: I believe they manipulate people before they make profit to get all of there money you put into the game by manipulating you. Then you start to make some profit... ...they find more ways to ban you so they don't lose the money you put into the game.

There is a flaw in the terms of service. If you read some about law you would understand that child manipulation is against the law no matter what. Know who plays toribash the most? Children. I sound creepy and all that but I have spent over 100usd in this game. I started earning it back and was successful for a day with 11usd. Then I get home from work with 2 infractions. 1. illegal bump 2. Sold a recolored version of the set. (witch I didn't even know was recolored until the last second, had to go somewhere, came back and got infracted.)

Doesn't all of that seem kinda shady to you? The power hungry terms of service and all of that? Also that is why i was banned for 2 entire months -.- .
Originally Posted by NearlyDead View Post
no, it's you not understanding the rules.

Pretty much, Link you were quite frankly on a whole new level of faggot.
I have my reasons.
You 100% deserved the ban.
Also you spent over 100 usd on this game. Who the fuck needs that much?
Last edited by Fuze; Jun 15, 2013 at 02:29 PM.
I've been playing this game since 2007. I've been banned twice, once because I won a tourney, and that was the prize(I really wanted that one). And the second one, most people are aware off.
I deserved it. Don't do stupid shit, don't get banned. If I put together all my QI from any of my accounts, I'd be custom belt. The high the belt, doesn't mean you'll get banned.
Hi guys, i see that your having some faggy gay drama, what happened?

Note that i too have never been banned, thats mostly because i have common sense, read the rules and dont have entitlement issues, If you dont like the terms of service, EULA or any of that pish, dont play the game, or at the very least dont complain about it when you fuck yourself over because you disregarded it.

I just don't like him/care that he got banned because he was a dick to people posting here without being in the clan, he threatened to report them for scamming.