Well, Edinburgh college has been undergoing a retarded merger since last year, 4 campuses all coming under one grouping to save money i guess, this unfortunately means the admin staff have been cut in half (!?) so everythings all fucked up and nothing gets done till the last minute, including the student applications.
What pisses me off the most ids the fact that i applied back in april, and only got my interview 1 week before the due date for the course to start. All my plans for the next year pretty much hung on a swift decision on their part and i was thouroughly rebuffed everytime i enquired into wtf was going on in regards to the application. Even better, once i got the interview, it apparently wasnt for the course i applied for. So fuck everything.
Open university for me.
Still waiting on some dates for that meeting on a server for plays and stuff.
I keep on checking forums from time to time even though I rarely login to post stuff. Yeah, I'm dumb...
ANYWAY, yeah... Let's make this happen and anytime soon will be preferable.

P.S: No, I don't have a Skype and not planing to have one anytime soon.
P.S.S: Out for pretty much all the weekend again.. back on Sunday afternoon.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Being serious here hayz, Skype is probably going to be the only way we're going to be able to arrange a set date.
wow that
I already said I'm available a pretty good chunk of time.

I just need something from you, guys... and then we can get on that meeting.. if that will ever happen.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Nearly got a 5 day ban for using an alt to shitpost. ok.

Also hello there mr. hacks. <4
Everything cool?
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Originally Posted by Hayz View Post
Nearly got a 5 day ban for using an alt to shitpost. ok.

Also hello there mr. hacks. <4
Everything cool?

It's been a rough time, but nothing a hot bath with bubbles can't fix.
Wish Castra and Notnoob were in it