Christmas Lottery
I'm still around, but I'm all on league right now.

I bet Nearly will be back in the clan in about a week.
Sold my dog to join RRO
oooookay so like alright.

I'm back for a bit, I have internet now, and whatnot. things are still a bit hectic but things are settling down. sorry for not posting. the only thing that would would work on this shitty stupid stolen wifi signal was tb for around 2 minutes or so, then I'd disconnect again.

and yeah notnoob something like that. I'm currently fighting my evil megaconscience that
has taken over around half my body and is constantly making me quit atlantic because it knows it irritates me.
wow that
Nobody's ordering you to stay in the clan.

It's simple and it's your choice.
You either decide to stay and continue to post random posts once in a while or you decide to get over with this and things remain pretty much the same only with a tag less.

To be completely honest with everyone and fuck it... Let's be real: I don't consider this as a clan, anymore. For quite some time already. I agree that this is a group of people and most of them are cool with each other but the concept of clan around is long gone. And there's some reasons attached to it but I'm gonna spare the time and not make this any longer that has to be.

And no.
I'm not throwing shit at people's faces. Some of them probably share the same point of view deep inside or just stopped giving any matters about it to actually bring out the subject. And at least two persons know that I'm not using this as arguments for my quitting or anything related to it for that matter.

underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Will be streaming League of Legends gameplay in like 20 minutes if my internet isn't being gay.

ARAM, Solo q 5v5, Co-op VS AI, and maybe duo q if friends decide they wanna play
I wish I checked frequently enough to know when you're streaming. always miss it :c

also I've been getting into audio editing and the like lately.
wow that
It's a shame I'm addicted to all these MMOs at the moment, would love to attempt replays.
How are you guys?
Last edited by Fuze; Nov 22, 2013 at 07:27 PM.
I'm up and down at the moment. futret (music person) and all his aliases left. on the plus
side all his stuff on bandcamp is free and whatnot. I also found another one of his aliases,
'ss got one my currently favorite songs on it.
wow that