[S]Hunter lax-9k
Static lax-30k
All the 128 textures in my deac
1.5k each I think there are 28 of them
Kasiusis i will take all of them 128 for 1k each,hunter lax 8k' static lax 22k.
Undead99 11k for it.
Hitiepie sent thanks for deal.
Kasiusis not going any higher on hunter.
Static 23k.
1.2k eah 128 and i will buy all 28 of them.
Undead99 sure send it over.
You've sent 10450 TC to imapirate.
Send pure relax now.
Last edited by -Croz; Dec 18, 2013 at 12:48 AM.
Tô de volta. Oi.