View Poll Results: What type of art do you prefer?
Simple and Cartoony
1 Votes / 12.50%
Detailed and Complex
3 Votes / 37.50%
I like them both
4 Votes / 50.00%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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That's a nice idea. If someone here is good at writing stories you can pm me the story and I'll use the best one. Also I just started writing a story.
Last edited by Beat; Mar 30, 2014 at 12:46 PM.
Before 1 million years there was a small village that found a cave that had lots a diamonds in it
And in that cave a dragon lived there
They kept feeding so no one gets near the cave .until he got stuck and died and the diamond cave got burried
And in this clan we will revive that cave and mine it all
Dunno where I heard that
INB4 14 days ban
Beat, you should offer some reward for the best story. It motivates people to do good ones.
[23:51] * Toad311 Licks Nitoratus's crotch
If it motivates some members the reward is 5k for the best one
Would be cool if you send me the items Scorpion, I could use them for wagers in wars.
You stand as you hear the distant echoes of caves in all directions of your surroundings, and the obscure vibrant sounds of pickaxes hitting rocks. Confused, you search for an exit from this pit. Once you realize that there is no way out of this cavern, anxiety fills your body and your heart beat races. Then you notice the sound of crunching rocks getting closer and closer, you grab a sharp rock and prepare to strike. Sound as threatening as fingers scraping across a chalk board, a man rushes through with debris flying everywhere, and as quick as lightning, shoves you to the cold hard ground. "Hahaha, they all told me to get a recruitment server! Bah! Looks like I already found a Diamond to recruit", the last thing you heard before darkness surrounded you.

If it isn't good enough, let me know on what changes you'd like to be made. In my opinion, this is pretty average. Someone could do way better.
Last edited by Conduct; Mar 30, 2014 at 04:15 PM.
How do you kill one with no life?